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Merry Christmas

the Prices!
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Cambren, Role: Hall Monitor
Age: 5 (almost 6), Height: 44"
Grade in School: Kindergarten
Favorite School Subject: Lunch and Recess
Favorite Food: Pizza, Broccoli, Watermelon
Favorite Game: Hide and Go Boo
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Toy: Sponge Bob Video Game
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Someday wants to be a: Animal Rescuer |
Jaedin, Role: Agitator
Age: 7, Height: 44"
Grade in School: First
Favorite School Subject: Math
Favorite Food: Shrimp with Soy Sauce
Favorite Game: Tag
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Toy: Bionicles
Favorite Animal: Tarantula
Someday wants to be a: Tarantula Catcher
Addisen, Role: Motivational Speaker
Age: 3, Height: 36"
Grade in School: Anxious to start
Favorite School Subject: Rookie dance class
Favorite Food: Carrots, Olives, Ham Sandwiches
Favorite Game: Candyland
Favorite Sport: Running Laps (at home)
Favorite Toy: Kitchen Tea Set
Favorite Animal: Pink Pig
Someday wants to be a: Ballerina |
 Blowin’ in the wind. Well, we hope this letter
finds you in good spirits this holiday season. We’re doing our best to stay
festive despite the onslaught of some extra fierce winds in Troutdale this year.
We just lost a big tree in the back yard, which made a mess of the summer’s
landscaping projects, but luckily ended up falling away from the house. The kids
just watched the Wizard of Oz and get a little nervous when the wind starts
blowing; and Lindy says she’s about ready for us to move back to the land
where the sun shines…
Milestone. Jaedin lost his first tooth this year, which
was exciting for him, except that he lost it at night in the dirt on a camping
trip; a lengthy search effort never yielded the lost tooth, which made for a
distraught boy who was very worried that he wouldn’t have anything to leave
for the tooth fairy. We knew that a friend of Jaedin’s had just lost a tooth
as well, so after we put the kids to bed, I told Lindy we should just get that
tooth from the other parents and tell Jaedin we found it. "Daddy, I heard
you!" came a small voice…turned out Jaedin wasn’t asleep. The next
morning he told me I was in huge trouble with the tooth fairy; looks like I’ll
need to do some time in tooth jail for perjury and insider trading.
Spider man. Jaedin is loving first grade. His latest
interest is spiders. He brought spider books, spider videos, even his own live
spider collection from our back yard to Show & Tell until his teacher
finally had to beg us, "no more spiders, please!" For Christmas he
wanted a pet tarantula, but Lindy had to draw the line there (we couldn’t
guarantee that it would stay in the cage…) Other interests this year have
included volcanoes, sharks, jellyfish, beetles, scorpions, and stingrays. Jaedin
is a master builder (Legos, K’nex, Bionicles, etc.) and loves to make lists
about everything, from how many days are left before an upcoming event to
who’s invited to his party (dis-invited sister noted at the end). He’s also
very into the holidays, especially Halloween. Sometime in early October he got
the idea in his head that he was going to host a Halloween party. So he spent
the whole month planning every detail, complete with games, treats, music, and
the works. His "Boo Bash" was a hit. He’s had a great year on all
fronts, including his health. We’re down to annual visits to the cardiologist
with no major upcoming operations, so we’ve really been blessed to have him
doing so well.
Family hall monitor. Cam makes sure everything stays in
order and that everyone gets permission for whatever they’re doing. He has
also taken on himself the role of Addie’s protector (not that she needs it).
The other day he wasn’t quite meeting her expectations, and she told him,
"you’re not my brother anymore." Never seen a little boy burst into
tears so quickly, "I am too your brother!" It took a lot of consoling
and a forced admission from Addie that he is, in fact, still her brother to calm
him down.
Mindset. When Cam gets his mind set on something, you
can’t change it for anything. Cam decided he didn’t want any part of the
Alice and Wonderland theme that Lindy had planned for all of the kids at
Halloween. Lindy tried all sorts of bribery, but it was no use, and to her
dismay the Goodwill Batman costume won out over all of her creative home-made
ideas. Cam graduated from swim class and finished a T-ball season and a soccer
season with Jaedin on the same team and Dad as the coach. He can be very fast
running bases when he wants to be. He had everyone glued to their seats each
at-bat, though, as we waited to see if he felt like touching a few square blocks
warranted a full sprint on that particular day, or whether he felt more like
taking a leisurely stroll around the bases. He’s hooked on video games, which
is the first and last thing he thinks about each day. He’s destined to be a
Ms. Pac Man wizard like his father before him. His uncle who lives nearby got a
puppy, which was a dream come true for him as well as a big revelation that dogs
actually do play catch just like in the movies (unlike Grandma’s elderly dogs
who have trouble even following the ball with their eyes). Cam loves
Kindergarten, but keeps telling us they just need more recesses.
"Ta-da!" Lately Addie’s every accomplishment
is followed by a little hop, outstretched arms, and a very loud "ta-da!"
She is our little princess, but loves to get down in the dirt, too. Playing with
two brothers sure has toughened her up (and vice versa). One particular fight
came while playing Star Wars with her brothers. She told them, "I want a
pink lightsaber." They told her lightsabers don’t come in pink, and the
fight escalated from there. It finally took some intervention and a Wikipedia
internet search to resolve the issue and reveal that lightsabers do, in fact,
come in pink. And boy, did she rub it in that she was right… Addie has been
our first to actually protest when we pick her up from her nursery class each
week, where she loves trying to be the center of attention. She changes her
clothes up to six times a day and walks around being our little housekeeper,
telling us what needs to be picked up.
Talk Show. Addie is by far the most verbal of the bunch
and never has a lack of conversation topics. Bedtime stories are constantly
interrupted by questions: "What kind of Chia pet do you like best? Daddy,
do you like a blue Cinderalla dress or a pink Sleeping Beauty dress? Is your
favorite letter A for Addie? Daddy, you have to take me to a ball, OK? You
can’t wear your work clothes. You have to dress up extra nice…" She had
to wear a splint after messing up her wrist playing rough with her brothers last
month. Once the pain wore off, she started to see the advantages of her splint.
Not only could she got all sorts of extra attention, she also discovered that
her "whacker" could kill bugs, keep her brothers in line, and keep dad
awake during our nightly story time dialogue.
 Shadow. Lindy is getting used to having more free time
with both boys in school; it especially took some time getting used to the vocal
little shadow that follows her everywhere around the house now, pointing out
everything that needs to be cleaned and re-cleaned (most of which happens to be
Addie’s own doing.) We’ve had to put a lot more locks on doors that we
didn’t need three years ago. Lindy manages to concoct a few plans here and
there to keep the kids’ imaginations flying, being a secret leprechaun,
Santa’s elf, or whatever it takes to bring in the holiday fun. Lindy has been
keeping busy volunteering in Jaedin and Cam’s classrooms and finishing
projects around the house. I came home from a trip to Alaska last summer to find
that she had painted the whole exterior of the house a different color. She’s
also been enjoying the fitness club she joined a few months ago (at least in
part because they offer child care while you work out).
 Kicking & Screaming. Took on my first coaching role
last spring with the kids’ soccer team. Flubbed things up a few times,
including a scheduling mixup that resulted in a forfeited game for us. Had to
let the kids pelt me with water balloons at the next practice as penance. I’ve been trying to keep up the music lessons at home as much as
possible. We turned our back yard into a stage for a day this summer to give
everyone a chance to perform. Work
took me to Alaska quite a bit this past year – got to combine some of the
business trips with side trips to get out into the wilderness during each of the
seasons (Alaska photos).
My embarrassing moment of the year came during my
morning commute on the train; I got to my stop at work, grabbed my bike and got
off the train. Only it wasn’t my bike. So I had to take a wild shortcut across
town trying to catch the train on a stolen bike. Finally caught up to it,
swapped out the bike, and hoped that nobody noticed my temporary theft. I was
glad to have my bike back, but then I ended up leaving it on the train a few
weeks later, someone else made off with it, and I never saw it again… Probably
serves me right for losing my mind.
 The Griswold's Vacation. We stuck around home most
of the time this year, but did end up being able to take a few weekend camping
trips in the mountains and lava beds around here. We also took a trip to Utah
for my brother’s wedding, and then headed to California for a family reunion
for Lindy’s family the day after we got back from Utah. While we in
California, we decided to take the kids to Great America. Got there nice and
early to beat the crowd with the kids all geared up for a day of fun. Only the
crowd never showed up, since the park was closed that day. Turned out I had
checked the wrong park’s website, and I felt like Clark Griswold getting to
Wally World. We did end up having lots of fun on the trip nonetheless, touring
the Jelly Belly factory, driving up and down the crookedest street, taking train
rides, and visiting with extended family.
Nanny 911. For the most part it’s been a pretty
splendid year, though we’re tempted on occasion to call Nanny 911. Used
to laugh at the prospect, but lately we see ourselves relating more and more to
the families on the show. This year, we’re particularly thankful for monster
trucks, jellybeans, lava, amplifiers, tarantulas, the tooth fairy, Wikipedia,
family, puppies, and pink. God bless you and yours as He has blessed us in all
the things that matter most. Best Christmas wishes!