What does the name "Krey" mean? Click to read about the Krey family name |
Download the brand new book: The Kreys by Keena Krey Price Download pdf file ![]() Where do the Kreys come from? Click to read about the Krey family origins |
The image above is a coat of arms from the book "Die Wappen der alten Bauerfamilien in der holsteinischen Elbmarschen" published in 1920. In that book, the Kreys are described as a well-to-do family from the Wilster-Marsh. A specific mention is made regarding a Nikolaus Kreye living at Roskop in 1448. In some holstein dialects, the word "crow" is pronounced like Krey, which explains the bird in the coat of arms. Thanks to Hans-Christian Krey for supplying this information. |
Michael Krey (1771-1808) |
The image above is from the title page of the book: Thanks to Ralf Krey for supplying this information |
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- krey.org is a
non-profit website dedicated to building contact between Krey family members around the
world for the purpose of sharing family history information -
Krey, krey, kreyen, Family History, Family Tree, family tree, genealogy, Craie, Cray, Craye, Crae, Crey, McCray, McCree, Crea, Creigh, McCrea, Kraehe, De Kraaij, Kreh, Van Kraay, Kray, Van Kreij, Gnehm, Crandall