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Mystery Box"
Seems like it was just a short time ago,
A guy and this girl he was getting to know,
Were just starting out, as all couples must do,
They'd had a few talks and had gone to the zoo.
He stopped by to see her one late afternoon
When he saw a big storage box in a back room.
"Though I don't mean to bug you, I can't help but stare,"
He said, "what do you keep in that box over there?"
"It's nothing," she said, with a quick change of topic,
She shoved that box further back into the closet.
Now she thought to herself, "if he sees what's inside,
"He'll make up some excuse, and then run off and hide."
Moving on, it's a couple years later in life,
The box was forgotten, that girl was his wife.
Then she told him one day, "dear there's one chance in two
"That we'll need that box now that a baby is due."

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