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So he dug it out, wond'ring about her intent,
When he opened it, though, he saw just what she meant:
It was full of all sorts of pink ruffles and bows,
And little girl shoes and little girl clothes.
Now needless to say, as luck might just have it,
An ultrasound sent that box back to the attic
It happened once more, the box came down again,
Then went straight back after one more sonogram.
Their two little boys got bigger each day,
By night they would fight, and by day they would play.
The crew moved to Portland into a new place
Then announced the arrival of número tres!
"We went to the baby store and you're in luck,"
They told their boys, "this time they had girls in stock."
From the day she came home she was always adored
But the changes at home just couldn't be ignored.

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