12/31/09. Neighborhood cricket games and footy (Australian Rules Football) at recess have kept Cam busy (and bruised). He has become a bit of a daredevil lately; his favorite stunt is jumping off the local pier. He also loves snorkeling. [photos] He’s still trying to get his boomerang to come back, but other than that he seems to have adapted to life down under very well. His favorite thing about Australia: the Wii works here too! 12/31/08. Cam continues to be the resident comedian and lawyer in the family, an interesting combination because his jokes, while funny, are generally intended to make a case. He takes after his father in many ways. At his parent-teacher conferences, Lindy just sits their and says “yep, that’s genetic…it’s his dad’s fault!” He is our family peacemaker and gets along with everyone. He has really grown this year both in height and emotionally. He is a great student but can’t get video games off his mind. He did discover a love for reading – at least when it comes to Calvin and Hobbes comic books. He went to ski school for his birthday and loved the experience. He also started Cub Scouts and really enjoyed a week-long day camp this summer. 12/23/07 - Cam is our little judge. Everything has to be fair, and he’s always finding the loopholes in our family rules; unfortunately for us, 99% of the time he has a great point and leaves us with no rebuttal. He’s the first one up in the morning, with his coat on and ready to go while the rest of us are still snoozing the alarm clock. Cam tends to be a bit obsessive – for example, he somehow got a craving for bacon this year, and when he saw a billboard for the Wendy’s “Baconator” sandwich, he had to try it, or else. When we gave in, he could only finish a couple of bites, so his “Disposalator” dad had to finish it for him. For a boy who used to go round and round about doing his homework, he’s finally found his groove, and amazes us with how much that head of his can hold. He took a Mad Science class with Jaedin, continued his obsession with video games, and discovered the WB network on TV. Who ever heard of Chowder and Ben 10? 12/21/06 - Our first-grade comedian is six years old and loves making people laugh with his witty humor. Cam is also a video game junkie - give him two minutes on any video game, and he won’t think about anything else for the next month or so. He’s keeping us on our toes with his school work as he learns to read time and count money. Cam took a karate class last summer along with Jaedin, and both boys played on the same soccer team again this year. Cam and Jaedin are finding they have more and more things in common. Cam wants to be an actor when he grows up. He decided he wants to star in America’s Funniest Home Videos, his favorite TV show. He keeps coming up with ideas of how we can catch him on video doing something goofy. We told him it has to be spontaneous to be funny, so he’s been diligently practicing his spontaneity. 12/22/05 - from newsletter. Cam makes sure everything stays in order and that everyone gets permission for whatever they’re doing. He has also taken on himself the role of Addie’s protector (not that she needs it). The other day he wasn’t quite meeting her expectations, and she told him, "you’re not my brother anymore." Never seen a little boy burst into tears so quickly, "I am too your brother!" It took a lot of consoling and a forced admission from Addie that he is, in fact, still her brother to calm him down. When Cam gets his mind set on something, you can’t change it for anything. Cam decided he didn’t want any part of the Alice and Wonderland theme that Lindy had planned for all of the kids at Halloween. Lindy tried all sorts of bribery, but it was no use, and to her dismay the Goodwill Batman costume won out over all of her creative home-made ideas. Cam graduated from swim class and finished a T-ball season and a soccer season with Jaedin on the same team and Dad as the coach. He can be very fast running bases when he wants to be. He had everyone glued to their seats each at-bat, though, as we waited to see if he felt like touching a few square blocks warranted a full sprint on that particular day, or whether he felt more like taking a leisurely stroll around the bases. He’s hooked on video games, which is the first and last thing he thinks about each day. He’s destined to be a Ms. Pac Man wizard like his father before him. His uncle who lives nearby got a puppy, which was a dream come true for him as well as a big revelation that dogs actually do play catch just like in the movies (unlike Grandma’s elderly dogs who have trouble even following the ball with their eyes). Cam loves Kindergarten, but keeps telling us they just need more recesses. 12/27/04 - from newsletter. Cam’s favorite part of preschool is the school bus ride. And his favorite part of the school bus ride is the part where he gets to pass by Target each day. Target, by the way, is his favorite store because they stock the Thomas trains he loves. Cam is our family comedian. One of his favorite things to do is to act goofy enough to get Jaedin rolling hysterically. He enjoys his special times with mom and dad. One special night, in fact, Dad broke out his prized collector’s space Legos, preserved intact since 1983 (they’re no longer intact, by the way). Cam loves to play hide and seek, but he happens to also be the worst hide and seek player ever (chooses the same hiding place EVERY time). But he loves being found every time, too! Favorite quote from this year came in response to: “not today, Cam, maybe we’ll go to Target tomorrow.” Cam’s response: “You get a sad face today daddy – hmmff” (with a turn and stomp).did great with his surgery to get tubes put back in his ears (to help avoid recurring ear infections). He came out of the surgery happier than ever, so it seems to have been a success. 12/23/03 - from newsletter. Cambren’s
top ten questions, opinions, complaints, demands, etc. 10.
“How many more days till Legoland?” Cam is proud to be
three. Our shy boy turned into a whole new outgoing kid after Legoland. He
and Jaedin started preschool through a community headstart program. They
ride the bus to school twice a week now, which gave us our first taste of
“letting go” as parents. He makes makeshift spaceships out of shoes and
other household items, and he’s been taking lessons from Jaedin in how to
be sneaky. Now he needs to work on actually getting away with it. 10/1/02 - The Tubes. Cam did great with his surgery to get tubes put back in his ears (to help avoid recurring ear infections). He came out of the surgery happier than ever, so it seems to have been a success. 10/1/02 - The Tubes. Cam did great with his surgery to get tubes put back in his ears (to help avoid recurring ear infections). He came out of the surgery happier than ever, so it seems to have been a success. 9/4/02 - Big Brother! Cam was very excited to meet his new baby sister. He loves to hold her in his lap. 12/23/01 - from our Christmas Letter: Cam will turn two in a few months. He likes familiar faces and sticking to his routine. He loves to eat, and he has already passed up Jaedin weightwise. His favorite word is nnnnnnnnnnnno! If you hear him say it, you’ll notice that his voice has changed already, so that’s one less thing he’ll have to worry about when he hits puberty. He also loves to help around the house. The other day I caught him painting the TV set with a wet paint roller he found... 6/15/01 - Summer fun! Cam loves the slides at all the playgrounds. He went down his first waterslide in Squamish, BC over Memorial Day weekend! 2/5/01 - A year old! Cam celebrated his 1st birthday with lots of cake for everyone. 12/15/00 - from our Christmas Letter: Cam may be walking soon, but for now he's content chasing Jaedin around with his little walker. He and Jaedin have a strong bond despite their moments of disagreement. They absolutely love making each other laugh. Having them so close together in age is a lot of effort sometimes, but when we see them playing together nicely, it makes it all worth it. Cam can fall asleep anywhere, just like his dad. Cam had a minor surgical procedure to drain the fluid in his ears last month. It went quickly and smoothly, and now he seems to be much more alert, especially when Jaedin yells at him. For a few months, they say everything he heard sounded like it was underwater, so we're glad they caught it before it began to cause hearing problems for him. Cam is the next to be enrolled in the cold-turkey bottle quitting program. 10/15/00 - Destructo-Cam: Cam loves Jaedin's train set. He can't seem to keep his hands off it, and he's got bruises from Jaedin to prove it. 8/30/00 - Crawling: Cam is tearing all over the place on all fours. He wrestles with Jaedin, and if he uses his weight he can pin him (photo). 7/10/00 - Road Trip: Cam survived the road trip to Michigan, but we'll have to wait to see the effects of the cross-dressing for the big surpise. (Photo) 6/15/00 - Rolling over: One more barrier overcome on the path to independence. We think the kicker was that lying on his back left him too vulnerable to Jaedin's pokes and prods. 5/3/00 - First flight: Cam got to fly to Fresno with Mom and Grandma. Mom and Grandma both needed a vacation after that trip... 4/1/00 - Cam's blessing day in Portland: We got all of the grandparents plus some more family together in Portland for his blessing. (Photo) 3/24/00 - Tons of Smiles: Cam is now officially smiling - what a happy kid! He's especially happy when his brother takes a nap, leaving him with all the attention! 3/20/00 - First buzz cut: Cam was born with lots of hair, but the hair on top of his head has been getting shorter ever since. That leaves two puffs of hair on the sides, making him look like a little like a grandpa. So Cam gets to start over after his first buzz cut! 3/14/00 - Bout with RSV: Our first ER visit for Cam. After a few days of congestion, Cam went into respiratory distress. Children's Hospital seemed so familiar from our visits with Jaedin that it almost seemed routine. He was diagnosed with RSV - not much you can do about it at that point other than watch and wait. Luckily we had enough of Jaedin's monitoring equipment at home that they let us take him home to watch him there. It lasted just a few days, and he's back to himself again now. 3/8/00 - First trip to Eugene: Cam got to meet his cousins for the first time. Made for a long car ride, but it was worth it. Especially since Mom and Dad traded in their car for a minivan before heading back home. 2/14/00 - from our Christmas (Valentine's) Letter: ...Our new little boy arrived February 3! Life as a foursome is a bit more chaotic, but that much more fun at the same time. Jaedin and his new little brother are only fourteen months apart - it won't be long until they look like twins, and we think they'll be great friends. Jaedin's not quite sure what to think of all of this, but so far they get along great: Jaedin usually gives him a kiss before trying to push him off the couch. As far as the standard stats, Cambren weighed in at 8 pounds and bears just a slight resemblance to his brother. Lindys mom was able to make it out in time to watch Jaedin during the delivery, and everything went smoothly. We were able to bring Cambren home the morning after delivery...Hopefully we'll have more to report on Cambren soon, but for now he just pretty much lies around the house all day.... 2/4/00 - Jaedin announcing the arrival of no-official-name-as-yet-but-how-does-Pat-Price-sound-to-you?: 12/99 - Sneak Peak. Hard to make out, but here's Cam's face from an ultrasound with two months to go:
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